Four Alerts for the Price of One
We have received a number of questions regarding spraying such as:
- How toxic are the chemicals used for spraying/
- When should we spray?
- Who should we use?
These questions and more are answered in a paper jointly published by the Colorado State Forest Service and CSU Extention. Since this is the season to spray, should you choose to, please read this before you start:
Thoughts on Spraying Trees
Thought you might find these materials interesting. Kyle is my counterpart at Rocky Mtn. Nat'l Park....
.Deni LaRue
Community Information Manager
Larimer County Commissioners' office
>>> <Kyle_Patterson@nps.gov> 5/14/2009 2:53 PM >>>
Thought you might be interested in some materials that Rocky Mountain
National Park has recently completed pertaining to mountain pine beetle
A new Science Behind The Scenes DVD - a ten minute informational program
on beetles. Airing on Channel 8 in Estes Park and on the park's website:
Forest Health Newsletter that was mailed to all postal customers in Estes
Park and Grand Lake last month. Posted on the park's website:
Thank you.
- Kyle
Special Event Notice – Lump Gulch Fuel Treatment Project public meeting
from Wes Isenhart - Gilpin County Citizens Initiative
The National Forest Service will be holding a public meeting on Thursday May 21st at the Gilpin County Community Center, 250 Norton Drive from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The purpose of the meeting is for the Forest Service to present their environmental assessment of this fuel reductions project and take questions from the public.
The entire project environmental assessment report can be reviewed at:
This is the USFS plan for the northern part of Gilpin County and part of southern Boulder County to do fire mitigation on public lands next to private property. The Lump Gulch Fuel Treatment Project has been developed over the past five years and represents the Forest Services’ best effort to deal with the beetle epidemic and fire mitigation efforts on public lands.
The Forest Service has already released the environmental assessment for their Yankee Hill project at:
These are important projects for managing Gilpin County forests and need funding and citizen support. This is an important meeting to show the Forest Service that the citizens of Gilpin County are interested in and support these projects and managing our public forests.
I wanted to follow-up on a question regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA -Stimulus Bill). The following information and web site links provides greater detail about the stimulus fund distribution:
http://www.fs.fed.us/ Go to ARRA Projects
David J. Hattis, CF
Forester / Silviculturist
Arapaho/Roosevelt National Forests
Canyon Lakes Ranger District
Office 970.295.6747, Fax: 970.295.6795
Work email: dhattis@fs.fed.us
Home: 970.377.1963
Home email: djhattis@msn.com
If you find this information helpful, pass it on to your neighbors and tell them to sign up for their own Tree Farmer Alerts. Simply contact stumpmaker@gmail.com